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Siete maneras de mantener una presión arterial saludable durante el embarazo

(NewsUSA) - ¿Está embarazada o planeando un embarazo? Es hora de pensar en su presión arterial, incluso si nunca ha tenido presión arterial alta. Aproximadamente la mitad de las complicaciones en el embarazo, como tener un bebé prematuro, están relacionadas con la presión arterial alta. Las complicaciones en el embarazo también aumentan el riesgo de desarrollar una enfermedad cardíaca años más tarde. Pero muchas complicaciones en el embarazo se pueden prevenir.

Usted puede comenzar su embarazo con una presión arterial saludable de menos de 120/80 mm Hg, pero aun así desarrollar un tipo de presión arterial alta que ocurre durante o justo después del embarazo. Una es la hipertensión gestacional, definida como presión arterial de 140/90 mm Hg o mayor. Por lo general, ocurre después de 20 semanas de embarazo o cerca del parto.

La preeclampsia es una combinación de presión arterial alta que se desarrolla después de 20 semanas de embarazo con otros signos de que sus órganos no están funcionando bien, como niveles altos de proteínas en la orina. Los casos graves pueden conducir a convulsiones o coma potencialmente mortales, una afección conocida como eclampsia.

Aquí se presentan siete maneras de ayudar a mantenerlos a usted y a su bebé a salvo de los problemas relacionados con la presión arterial alta. 

1. Hable con su profesional médico.

Incluso si aún no está embarazada, saber si tiene presión arterial alta puede ayudar a determinar si corre un mayor riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones relacionadas con el embarazo. Trabaje con su profesional médico a fin de hacer un plan para un embarazo saludable. Esto incluye hablar acerca de lo siguiente:

  • Cuál es su rango de presión arterial saludable.
  • Cómo controlar o reducir la presión arterial alta adoptando un estilo de vida saludable, como ser físicamente activa, elegir alimentos saludables para el corazón que sean bajos en sal y sodio y no fumar.
  • Medicamentos que está tomando. Si ya está tomando medicamentos para la presión arterial, pregunte si el tipo que toma puede usarse cuando esté embarazada.
  • El historial médico de su familia. Si otras personas en su familia tuvieron preeclampsia, su profesional médico podría recomendarle tomar precauciones adicionales.
  • Cómo otros factores individuales, como su edad, el lugar donde vive, su raza o el acceso a la atención médica, podrían afectar su riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones relacionadas con el embarazo.

2. Monitoree su presión arterial.

Por lo general, usted no puede sentir si tiene la presión arterial alta. Como parte de su atención prenatal regular, su profesional médico controlará su presión arterial en cada visita. Si es alta, puede sugerirle que consiga un monitor casero. Si necesita uno, pida a alguien en el consultorio de su profesional médico que la ayude a asegurarse de que funcione correctamente y de que lo está usando correctamente. Luego, haga un seguimiento de sus números. Además, pregunte a su profesional médico cuándo debería llamar si sus números aumentan.

3. Conozca los signos de la preeclampsia.

La preeclampsia podría no causar síntomas al principio. Sin embargo, usted puede notar algunos síntomas leves, tales como:

  • Hinchazón en las manos o la cara
  • Aumentar de peso repentinamente durante uno a dos días
  • Subir más de dos libras por semana
  • Orinar con menos frecuencia de lo normal

La preeclampsia generalmente ocurre después de la 20.a semana de embarazo. También puede desarrollarse después del parto, con mayor frecuencia dentro de las 48 horas. Si tiene algún síntoma o le parece que algo anda mal, siempre es mejor llamar a su profesional médico. Vaya al departamento de emergencias o llame al 9-1-1 si experimenta alguno de estos síntomas de preeclampsia grave:

  • Dolor de cabeza que no desaparece o empeora
  • Dificultad para respirar
  • Dolor en el lado derecho, debajo de las costillas o en el hombro derecho
  • Náuseas y vómitos
  • Cambios en la visión

4. Obtenga apoyo de amigos y familiares.

Informe acerca de los signos de complicaciones en el embarazo a sus familiares y amigos. Pídales que la ayuden a monitorear cómo se siente y la ayuden a obtener atención médica. Cuando hable con su profesional médico, estos amigos pueden asegurarse de que usted describa todos sus síntomas y haga todas sus preguntas, y pueden abogar por usted para que obtenga la atención que necesita. 

5. Trate de controlar el estrés.

El estrés no es bueno para su presión arterial. Practique el activar la respuesta de relajación innata de su cuerpo (lo opuesto a la respuesta al estrés). La visualización guiada, la relajación muscular progresiva y los ejercicios de respiración profunda son técnicas que pueden ayudarla a relajarse. Moverse más puede ayudar a calmar su mente y cuerpo, y es importante para la salud general de su corazón. Pruebe a hacer yoga o reúnase con amigos para dar un paseo rápido. Estar en la naturaleza también puede ser muy relajante para algunas personas.

6. Manténgase saludable después del embarazo.

Después de su embarazo, trate de mantener sus rutinas de cuidado personal, especialmente para la salud de su corazón. Si usted tuvo preeclampsia, necesitará tener especial cuidado con su corazón. Una de las mejores cosas que puede hacer es compartir los detalles acerca de las complicaciones en el embarazo con sus profesionales médicos. Dígales qué sucedió y qué tratamiento recibió. Es posible que necesite un examen cardiovascular tres meses después del embarazo y luego anualmente. El examen medirá su presión arterial, el colesterol, el nivel de azúcar en la sangre y el peso. Recuerde ... usted conoce su cuerpo. Identificar y modificar de manera temprana los riesgos de enfermedades cardiovasculares puede reducir significativamente el riesgo de experimentar un ataque cardíaco o un accidente cerebrovascular años más tarde. Informe a su profesional médico si su presión arterial aumenta o si le parece que algo anda mal. 

7. Obtenga más información.

Obtenga más información acerca de la salud del corazón y el embarazo y encuentre recursos para controlar sus números de presión arterial en

Baseball Fans Should Choose World Series Futures Now for The Best Odds: Experts

(NewsUSA) - May is here and baseball season is in full swing. Of course, the regular season offers any number of opportunities to beat the sportsbooks, as long as you keep a close eye on the MLB odds and MLB lines for the best value.

But what every sports fan might not know is that now is the time to find some of the best odds to bet your favorite teams to win this year's World Series. We're talking about betting futures, and they offer some of the best chances of scoring a big payday this baseball season.

The first step is finding the best value for your money, so you need to choose teams that play good baseball but still have odds that offer you, the sports bettor, a decent return should they go all the way this year. For example, there is plenty of risk but not much reward in betting the 5.5-to-1 odds on the Los Angeles Dodgers to become this year's World Series champs, according to Barry Barger, a senior betting analyst at, an online sportsbook that is a favorite for baseball bettors across the country. The NL West team is loaded, but also is in a division which every team is playing solid baseball.

One team that gave the Dodgers a run for their money in 2021 is the San Francisco Giants. And you can get both San Francisco and the San Diego Padres at 17-1 odds on the World Series futures market at BetUS.

The current World Series champions - the Atlanta Braves - surprised last year, yet are currently offered at generous 15-to-1 odds to do it again this year because of a sluggish start and the strong play of the New York Mets. "Remember, this is a 162-game season plus the grind of the playoffs, so intriguing betting opportunities will abound," Barger says.

Another team on the West Coast is also offering attractive odds. Currently, the Los Angeles Angels carry 21-1 odds to win the World Series at BetUS. And along with the Angels comes Mike Trout, Shohei Ohtani, Anthony Rendon and a ton of talent. "If the Angels stay healthy, it could make their fans a lot of money this year," according to Barger.

Meanwhile, The Tampa Bay Rays sit at 17-1 and they are off to a more than solid start. This club has had so much success in recent years, it figures to somehow, someway earn the World Series trophy for the first time.

A touch below the Rays are the Milwaukee Brewers, another squad that wins a lot of games but just not at the right time. They look enticing at 15-1.

Not far behind the Brewers in the NL Central,, but trailing them significantly on the Futures market are the St. Louis Cardinals, who are 34-1. That is a franchise with great success in the postseason and is never a surprise when it succeeds.

Another team offering potentially more excitement and bang for your betting dollar are the Minnesota Twins. The Twins are showing plenty of spark and life - and BetUS currently offers them at 34-1 to win the World Series this year.

Before placing their bets, fans should review all the current odds to win the 2022 World Series because odds often change as the season progresses.

Divvy Homes Is on a Mission to Make Homeownership More Accessible

(NewsUSA) - Recent inflationary pressure, challenging financial circumstances and a looming rise in interest rates have made aspiring homeowners across the country feel like the dream of owning their home is slipping away from them. This situation may seem bleak, but San Francisco-based start-up, Divvy Homes offers aspiring homeowners another option to make their dreams a reality.

Divvy Homes is dedicated to making homeownership more accessible to American families. The company has designed a program for would-be homeowners who don't quite qualify for a traditional mortgage because of tighter lender requirements, not quite enough savings or a range of other reasons.

Divvy helps by offering a program that allows customers to build savings with their Divvy payment, boost their credit score through free credit counseling and ultimately position themselves to qualify for a traditional mortgage at the end of their three-year lease. If a customer is ahead of schedule and wants to purchase before their lease ends, they can buy their home from Divvy whenever they are ready.

Here's how it works:

- Qualify. The process starts when buyers complete a five-minute online application. Divvy requires a minimum household income of $2,500 per month and proof of three months of income. It will then run a soft credit check, complete a background check and ask for a government-issued ID. Once approved, the customer receives a home-buying budget and pairs up with a real estate agent to start shopping. Already have an agent? Not a problem. Divvy knows the homefinding process is personal and will work with the agent of the customer's choice.

- Buy. Once the customer finds their dream home, Divvy bids to purchase the property. When a bid is successful, customers can expect a quick closing process so they can get the keys and move in.

- Save. The customer contributes a payment of one to two percent of the home's value at the beginning of the lease. That money is held on behalf of the customer to be used toward a down payment when the customer is ready to purchase the home. In addition to the initial payment, up to 25 percent of each monthly payment goes toward saving for a down payment. It's a plan that combines the flexibility of renting with the benefit of a savings program that prepares customers for the wealth-building power of homeownership when they are ready.

- Own. The potential homeowner builds up to 10 percent of the home's value over their three-year lease, but they can elect to obtain a mortgage and buy the home at any time. Change of heart? Customers can walk away from the arrangement and cash out their savings, net of a relisting fee.

Divvy has a consistent and growing record of creating new homeowners across the country. It has closed more homes in 2021 alone than in the past four years and doubled their market share since the beginning of 2021. Divvy customers have exercised their option to purchase their homes at a rate of nearly 50 percent -- well above the conversion rates of industry competitors.

The Divvy Homes program is currently available in 16 metropolitan areas across the United States: Atlanta, GA; Cincinnati, OH; Cleveland, OH; Dallas, TX; Denver, CO; Ft Lauderdale, FL; Houston, TX; Jacksonville, FL; Memphis, TN; Minneapolis, MN; Miami, FL; Orlando, FL; Phoenix, AZ; San Antonio, TX; St. Louis, MO; and Tampa, FL.

Visit for more information.


Strategies for a Smooth Retirement on a Fixed Income

(NewsUSA) - When making financial plans for retirement on a fixed income, remember that your retirement life at the beginning is not how it will continue indefinitely. A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professional will assist you in creating a smooth retirement plan that best fits your needs over time. "Your retirement will evolve in phases as your priorities change," says Cary Carbonaro, CFP.® "One of the most important things you can do right now is understand how your retirement will change and then budget for those different phases."

Carbonaro suggests thinking of retirement in three phases:

  • Early: The early years of retirement are the years when most retirees enjoy good health and are free of work and child-rearing, allowing travel and other activities to play a larger role in the budget.
  • Middle: This phase can be considered a slowing-down and transitional phase for many. Changes in health, legacy and other goals will impact financial plans and budgeting.
  • Late: Late retirement is when healthcare and other similar issues take priority.

Regardless of your phase of retirement, it's important to consider all your sources of retirement income. For most people, these include savings, investments and Social Security. Some people also have a pension plan from a former employer.

Keys to successful financial planning on a fixed income include:

  • Organizing withdrawals. You can choose to withdraw from retirement accounts monthly, but other options are annual, semi- annual or quarterly. Set up a plan that meets your needs.
  • Budgeting. Your fixed-income budget will likely evolve, but it is important to have a plan in place so you can balance money for fun and adventure with a cushion for unexpected retirement expenses that could drain your savings.
  • Considering costs. One often-overlooked expense when planning a retirement budget is the taxes on retirement account withdrawals. Carbonaro recommends withholding at least 20% to 25% of a withdrawal for taxes.

When developing a financial plan, retirees on a fixed income should also factor in the need for long-term care, which might involve paying for personal assistance with bathing, dressing and taking medications.

Caring for adult children also is becoming a more common source of costs for retirees. Census data suggest that more than one-third of adults aged 18 to 34 are living in their parents' home. In some cases, the situation is reversed, and retirees find themselves moving in with their adult children, either as a matter of preference or because of the expense of long-term care.

For more information on financial planning strategies on a fixed income, visit


AI Comes Home With Smarter Robots

(TVA) - If your mental image of a robot in the home is limited to Rosie from the Jetsons, it's time to change your perspective.

Small, efficient robots from the innovative home robot company Trifo offer a new take on home help, with an artificial intelligence twist.

"Our vision is to create a family of home robots that takes care of the home so people can live better and focus on what's important," according to the company. The Trifo robots are designed to focus on the indoor home environment. Each is equipped with an artificial intelligence system that has sensing, perception and decision-making capabilities. Trifo robots are able to continuously adapt to their environments using advanced AI technology.

Lucy Ultra Edition, the flagship product of the Trifo line, is a compact, round robot that comes packed with features to make your life easier. Some of Lucy's standout features include:

- Dual vision. Not quite x-ray vision, but Lucy's 1080P HDR color camera combines with a Time-of-Flight depth camera that creates a colorful 3-D map of your home in Lucy's brain; this helps navigate even in low-light conditions.

- Obstacle avoidance. Lucy easily avoids the annoyance of getting stuck or trapped by household objects; unique visual and depth perception keep her clear of objects as short as one inch.

- Home protection day and night. Lucy provides full-time home protection with day and night vision. Privacy concerns? Data from your home is stored and processed in the robot herself, not in the cloud or on servers.

- Smart work. Lucy's adaptive technology allows her to learn her surroundings, following routes that adapt to the environment while avoiding off-limits zones, and alert you to unusual motions in the house when you aren't at home. Lucy is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, so you can integrate her with other smart home features. Lucy's intelligence evolves over time, so she makes your life even easier the more you use her.

- Deluxe cleaning. Lucy vacuums, but she mops, too, with a dustbin/water tank combination that sends an alert when the water level gets low.

- Pet sitting. If you have a furry friend at home, Lucy takes the angst out of cleaning up pet hair and larger dirt from muddy paws. A built-in air freshener is a bonus that helps keep pet odors at bay. Also, check out the interactive laser toy to keep your pet entertained.

Visit for more information about the potential of advanced AI robots for home use.


MyFreePharmacy Takes the Pain Out of Filling Prescriptions

(NewsUSA) - As the ongoing coronavirus pandemic highlights the importance of maintaining good health, many Americans continue to struggle with the cost of health care, especially prescription medications. In fact, many people are overcharged for medications, even for generic drugs, according to leading experts and as highlighted in a 2018 in-depth expose' shown on PBS.

MyFreePharmacy, a new membership service launched in 2017, makes paying for prescriptions easier and more affordable. The company offers more than 600 medications for a flat monthly fee that includes standard shipping. Strategic partnerships make it possible for MyFreePharmacy to control costs and make prescriptions more affordable for everyone, including those without health insurance. MyFreePharmacy also offers a more affordable option for those whose insurance deductibles are so high that they never meet them, which means they typically pay full price for medications.

"MyFreePharmacy currently mails out truckloads of FREE prescriptions nationwide every month to our members," says founder Doug Behrens. "The program is a game changer -- where else can you get FREE prescriptions? We want to make a difference out there, and we are doing it for our members, one prescription at a time," he explains.

The membership plan involves four easy steps.

- Sign up. Simply visit to sign up for a membership card.

- Search. Review the MyFreePharmacy list of medications. They offer not only prescription drugs for chronic and acute conditions, but also over-the-counter products such as acetaminophen, allergy medications and vitamins.

- ePrescribe or Transfer. Your prescriptions can be transferred or e-prescribed by your doctor, who can send prescriptions with the click of a button. Or if you are transferring a script, MyFreePharmacy will handle it for you while you sit back and relax.

- Receive. Your medications are processed and shipped the same day and will be delivered to your home in one to three days.

MyFreePharmacy is working to change the way Americans get their prescriptions. They take the stress and high costs out of the equation by helping consumers control their costs without sacrificing quality. For safety and security, all medications are shipped through the U.S. Postal Service, with a standard shipping time of one to three days.

For more information, visit

Medicine Cabinets Need Spring Cleaning, Too

(NewsUSA) - We all do it: we let over-the-counter (OTC) medicines like pain relievers for a headache, allergy medicine or cough and cold products pileup in our bathrooms. Especially over the past few years, you may have let medications linger in the house past their expiration dates. But old and unneeded medication should be disposed of safely, and springtime is the perfect time to get it done.

Proper medicine disposal keeps our homes and communities safe and our environment clean, according to the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the national trade association representing manufacturers of OTC medicines.

"Medication safety is everyone's responsibility, and proper medication disposal is an important part of medication safety," says Anita Brikman, Executive Director of the CHPA Educational Foundation, which is a 501c3 organization focused on promoting the safe use, storage and disposal of OTC medicines and dietary supplements to consumers. "How you dispose of unwanted, unused, or expired OTC medicines is important and easy," she says.

So clean out your medicine cabinet this spring, and choose one of these three quick and easy disposal methods:

- In-Home Disposal. Many OTC medications, and some prescription medications, can be thrown out with your regular trash at home. Mix the medicine (do not crush any tablets or capsules) with some especially unappealing trash, such as kitty litter or used coffee grounds, and place the mixture in a sealed plastic bag. Then put the bag in your usual household trash bin, and you're done.

- In-Store Disposal. Many pharmacies provide designated kiosks where you can bring any medication, OTC or prescription, for safe disposal. The website has a zip code locator tool to find more than 22,000 verified sites nationwide that offer free medicine-disposal options all year long.

- Take-Back Events. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) conducts national Drug Take-Back Day events, and the next one will occur this year on April 30.

These events, which are set up temporarily at convenient community- based locations throughout the country, serve as an opportunity to return medications safely as a friendly public-service reminder to clean out your medicine cabinet.

Visit for more details about safely disposing of medications at home, and visit to find secure and safe disposal locations near you.

Taming Summer's Utility Bill Trifecta Surging Temperatures, Costs, Demand

(NewsUSA) - Summer 2022 promises to be particularly challenging as it relates to America's home energy costs due to a confluence of three events - rising temperatures, costs and demand - resulting in homeowners facing an intensified fight to keep bills at bay.

The Farmer's Almanac predicts a "Sizzling Summer Ahead" stating this summer weather is going to be remembered as a hot one nationwide. Second, homeowners are experiencing a "rate shock" as the global energy crisis drives up prices with energy costs up 25.6% year over year, according to the Consumer Price Index. Third, there is surging demand due to our post-pandemic "hybrid home" dynamic. Studies support this trend with 83% of workers believing a hybrid model would be optimal going forward, according to an Accenture survey, and 87% of managers believing working from home is the future, according to Remote-How research.

The good news is that families can offset this "Utility Bill Trifecta" by following a few simple tips. With home heating and cooling accounting for nearly half of home energy use, small steps can go a long way.

* Ease Into Electric: According to Columbia University's Earth Institute, electric systems are a solution to decarbonize home climate control. Among the most energy-efficient heating and cooling products, electricity-powered ductless mini-split systems, offered by companies including Fujitsu General America, can save as much as 25 percent on your energy bill. Mini-splits use thin copper tubing to pump refrigerant from an outdoor compressor directly into an indoor air-handling unit, where the air is quietly distributed to the interior space.

* Get "Smart" About Climate Control: When it comes to smart home temperature control, there are Smart HVAC Systems and Smart Thermostats. Smart HVAC systems have built-in Wi-Fi and can be controlled directly without additional equipment. Smart Home Thermostats create "smart" systems by enabling remote temperature control via a mobile or Internet-con-nected device or voice-operated home automation system.

* Voice Your Preference: Take control of your comfort. Most HVAC manufacturers offer apps that enable systems to be controlled from anywhere using a mobile device. Voice-control capability uses digital assistants, like Amazon Alexa or Google Home, to verbally dictate home temperatures. Easily controlling the temperature more closely, allows homeowners to be more comfortable and improve energy savings.

* Find Your Efficient Comfort Zone: Many of us live in homes designed for bigger families, but have yet to downsize. If you find yourself using a fraction of your home on a regular basis, consider upgrading to a zoned ducted, or ductless system. That will allow you to save energy heating and cooling spaces where you and your family don't spend a lot of time. This will multiply savings as you're not only needing less cooling but you also gain from a more efficient system in the spaces you do still use.

* Try Low-tech Fixes: Simple changes can have a big impact. Try to use heat-producing appliances -- stoves, irons and dryers -- at night or early morning. Switch to LED light bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs - which consume 90% more power. Seal air leaks around windows, doors, and places where pipes and wires come through walls. Check existing caulking and weather-stripping for gaps or cracks.

Curbing energy bill costs can be more than just a summer dream. If a new system is right for you, many Fujitsu systems with the Energy Star rating are more than twice as efficient as the minimum standard set by the government. To learn more or find a contractor near you, call 888-888-3424 or visit

Sweeten Your Springtime with Chilean Grapes

(NewsUSA) - Spring has finally sprung, and with it comes a blossoming of spring gatherings, Easter and Passover celebrations and other activities.

Fresh, juicy grapes are an easy, healthy snack, and Chilean grapes are ready to sweeten your springtime.

"The easiest way to eat grapes is just to rinse and eat fresh," says Karen Brux, managing director for the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association.

"No peeling, coring or cutting. Just rinse and go," she adds. Chilean grapes also score points with kids as a packable lunch or snack. Try mini kebabs with grapes and cheese cubes to add flavor and fun to any lunch box, Brux suggests.

There are so many easy ways to get creative with grapes:

  • Boost your breakfast. Try grapes with granola, yogurt and honey to get your morning off to a sweet start.
  • Make salads more satisfying. Cut grapes in half, and add to your favorite green or grain salads for some added crunch and juicy goodness.
  • Sweeten up snack time. Mix fresh grapes with nuts and dark chocolate, or freeze them to get mini popsicles.
  • Make savory more special. Chilean grapes add a unique twist when paired with goat cheese on a pizza, or as a crostini appetizer topping alongside prosciutto and basil.
  • Dazzle your desserts. You can make a gorgeous grape tart with just a few ingredients: a store-bought crust, a mixture of mascarpone cheese, powdered sugar and whipping cream and fresh grapes for the topping. So simple, but it will look like you spent all day in the kitchen.

Grapes not only taste great, they are good for you, too! Grapes are a natural source of polyphenols, which help protect cell health and promote cell function. Grapes also are a good source of Vitamin K, which is vital for blood clotting and healthy bones. Finally, the resveratrol in grapes positively influences immune function. That's a whole bunch of healthy for 90 calories per 3/4 cup serving.

Hungry yet?

Visit for more tasty recipes, and look for grapes from Chile at your local retailer through early May.

Financial Planning a Mission for Military Families

(NewsUSA) - Given the unique challenges and frequent unpredictability of a military lifestyle, financial planning is especially valuable and necessary for military families. There are several opportunities for military families to reach their financial and savings goals, such as low-cost investments, loans, insurance and legal protection.

Applying the same mission mindset to managing finances that you bring to managing your military career can be especially helpful, says Steve Repak, CFP,® an Army veteran who went on to a career as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional after 12 years of military service.

"If I had done a little planning and executed on what might have been a slightly painful budget when I first joined the military, I wouldn't have been left with so much credit card debt," he acknowledges.

To make the most of your finances, plan a strategy for saving and investment just as you would plan a military maneuver. Here are a few helpful tips to help you reach your financial planning goals:

* Identify your goal. First, identify where you are and where you want to be -- then outline the steps to get there. Start by figuring out your monthly income and expenses, and create a budget with how much you want to have in savings each month. Put a plan in place to reduce or eliminate spending to meet your goal.

* Turn to your team. Military families can consult a range of resources for help in developing a financial plan, including Army Community Services (ACS) for Army personnel. In addition, a CFP® professional can help clarify financial goals and objectives and offer strategies for meet`ing them.

* Be determined and take action. What you know about financial planning is less important than what you do about it, Repak says. Adopt a "war fighting spirit," and do what is necessary to accomplish your mission. Whether it is saving money, reducing debt or building wealth for retirement, taking specific steps for money management now will pay off with financial freedom in the future.

Visit for more advice and tips to help military families meet their financial goals.


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